Sep 12, 2009

Pain Free Dental Anesthesia, Not Pain Dentistry

Dentistry has come a long way - if you lived in the early 19th century, a toothache would have you at the town barber shop, waiting for the barber to finish cutting hair so he could pull your tooth! Over the years, there were great advances in infection control, dental techniques and patient comfort, with the discovery of fluoride, more effective anesthesia, and the use of X-rays to pinpoint decay and injury.
Remember the days of bulky, metallic, train-track braces? Those days are gone - now, metallic braces have largely been replaced by much more lightweight models. Porcelain, or ceramic, braces are often worn by adults wanting to straighten their teeth, as they are barely noticeable. Today, a large number of patients are opting for Invisalign braces. Invisalign braces straighten your teeth with clear, removable aligners over time and are nearly invisible.
Laser Dentistry
Lasers distribute energy in the form of light, and depending on the procedure, the light energy is delivered at various wavelengths to the area being treated. Those areas may be enamel, gum tissue or decay, or laser dentistry may be used to enhance whitening. Laser dentistry can also help patients relax - lasers don't make the dreaded drill sound. Laser dentistry may reduce the need for stitches, anesthesia, and minimize bleeding and infection. Damage to surrounding mouth tissues may also be reduced.
Cosmetic Dentistry
You no longer have to suffer with an uneven smile or chipped teeth. Tooth enhancement with veneers or Lumineers means you can have a celebrity smile in just a few visits. While veneers require the dentist to grind down your existing teeth, take molds and fit you with temporary teeth for a few weeks until your new ones are ready, Lumineers are a thinner style that fit right over your natural teeth.
Cosmetic tooth whitening has become popular and affordable, with quick in-office whitening procedures or convenient take home trays. Cosmetic whitening can lighten your teeth drastically in a few simple procedures.
Botox in Dentistry
Why go to two different places when you can get a tooth repaired and erase frown lines at the same time? Some dentists now offer Botox for skin rejuvenation along with dental procedures. Although getting Botox at your dentist is by no means commonplace, it's just another example of how dentistry is changing with the times. provides you with comprehensive medical information and health listings.

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