Oct 14, 2009

Advances in pain free dentistry

If you've put off going to the dentist for a couple of years, you'll find it interesting to see the advances that have been made in the field of dentistry.

The newest "big thing" for some dentists is the FDA cleared Single Tooth Anesthesia (STA) which is much better than in the past, when your whole face would be numb for almost the rest of the day after a visit to the dentist. After a dentist visit, you couldn't stop off for a cup of java because you couldn't drink without spilling and forget about dining out because you'd end up chewing on your cheek instead.

Single Tooth Anesthesia involves only the tooth needing the repair, where the anesthesia is very localized and fast acting, with minimal anesthesia being used to keep the area pain-free.

After the dentist administers the anesthesia, it wears off within sixty minutes. Given that only one tooth gets anesthetized, you don't have numbing and tingling in your face or fattened lips, as well as a tendency to bite your cheek when the anesthesia is no more.

So go in and have your teeth checked by a dentist or at the very least, try to locate a nearby dentist who uses Single Tooth Anesthesia (STA).

When you choose to make a dentist appointment, you'll walk away with two pluses: your teeth will be corrected and you'll get to try this new system and thus, have something new to share with your friends.

Read more about pain free here. STA Single Tooth Anesthesia

Chula Vista Dentist